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Wisconsin State Rep: ‘The Earth Is 6,000 Years Old, That’s A Fact’

While leading an attack on academic freedom at the University of Wisconsin, Rep. Jesse Kremer says he is certain the Earth is 6,000 years old.

Kremer, a documented Christian extremist and an intellectually incompetent buffoon is currently leading the charge to pass legislation that would expel or suspend students who disrupt speakers at the University of Wisconsin.
Kremer is the author of a controversial campus free speech bill that would intrude “on the University of Wisconsin System’s authority to run its campuses” and would “squelch expression — not encourage it.”
The following is an excerpt from a report on the GOP attempt to stifle academic freedom at the University of Wisconsin:
Rep. Terese Berceau, a Madison Democrat, was quizzing Rep. Jesse Kremer, her Republican colleague from Kewaskum, at a hearing for his proposed Campus Free Speech Act before the state Assembly’s Committee on Colleges and Universities recently.
Berceau wondered what would happen under the bill — which requires University of Wisconsin System institutions to be neutral on “controversies of the day” — if a student in a geology class argued the Biblical theory that the earth is only 6,000 years old.

“Is it okay for the professor to tell them they’re wrong?” Berceau asked during the lengthy session on May 11.

“The earth is 6,000 years old,” Kremer offered.  “That’s a fact.”

The stupid, it burns.
This is not the first time Rep. Kremer has revealed a profound ignorance coupled with a love for Christian superstition.
Previously the dazed and confused Wisconsin lawmaker made the ludicrous claim that the separation of church and state is a “complete fabrication,” while arguing that the U.S. is a “Christian nation.”
As for his legislation, Kremer’s Campus Free Speech Act is not meant to foster free speech. Instead, the bill is meant to punish and silence students who dare to protest speech they find offensive. It would in essence, punish protesters for exercising their right to free speech.
Bottom line: Kremer is not only an ignorant buffoon, he is also a dangerous religious extremist. His “Campus Free Speech Act” would have the effect of not promoting free speech, but punishing and silencing speech.
Wisconsin State Rep. Jesse Kremer (Image via Twitter)

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